Aerospace Engineering Extended Diploma Level 3 | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

Engineering holds many fantastic and exciting opportunities. In today’s world, Engineers work in an environment that encompasses the use of cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions. Study Aerospace Engineering and one day you could find yourself designing the next generation of supersonic aircraft or working on the latest military or civilian helicopters.

You will study a combination of theory, applied theory and practical subjects across a broad range of aerospace engineering. You may want to combine this qualification with an A Level in maths or physics.

Topics may include:

  • Aircraft flight principles and practice
  • Aircraft workshop methods and practice
  • Aircraft gas turbine engines
  • Engineering principles
  • Fabrication manufacturing processes
  • Aircraft maintenance.

Assessment Methods

You will be assessed through a variety of methods including practical assessment, written coursework, presentations and an exam in your second year. You will also be expected to complete work experience in a relevant industry placement.

Progression Options

This course is equivalent to three A Levels and successful completion will enable progression on to university, an Apprenticeship or Higher Apprenticeship. You could study a Foundation Degree in Mechanical Engineering leading on to
a Mechanical Engineering HNC awarded by the University of the West of England and delivered at University Centre Somerset. Alternatively, you could find employment in a range of careers.

Course Summary

Course Title Aerospace Engineering Extended Diploma Level 3
Entry Requirements

You need five GCSEs in the 9 to 4 range, including English at grade 4 and maths at grade 5 or above, or an appropriate Level 2 qualification with an overall Merit that includes maths.

Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


The facilities are amazing, and working on and with industry-level software and equipment has been the perfect preparation for a Degree Apprenticeship and career in the engineering industry.

Harry Lawrence

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