Equine Care Technical Certificate Level 2 | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

This course is designed to give you the basic knowledge of horse care whilst developing and practising skills that could be used within employment in the equine care sector. The course combines practical activity with classroom sessions, alongside a range of industry visits and guest speakers.

You will also undertake regular stable and yard duties at the College’s well equipped Equestrian Centre.

You will study a range of topics including:

  • Horse health and welfare
  • Health and safety
  • Working in the equine industry
  • Horse tack and equipment
  • Routine stable duties
  • Riding horses
  • Horse feeding and handling
  • Lunging horses

Your learning is reinforced by 150 hours work experience within an equine-based placement.

Assessment Methods

Assessment is through a combination of methods including externally set and marked tests, a synoptic assessment, assignments, portfolio development, practical and riding assessments and presentations.

Progression Options

On successful completion of the Level 2 Certificate and with appropriate GCSE English and maths grades you could progress to the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Equine Management. Alternatively, you could find employment at assistant level in a range of establishments including competition and racing yards, riding schools and livery.

Course Summary

Course Title Equine Care Technical Certificate Level 2
Entry Requirements

You need five GCSEs in the 9 to 2 range including English and maths, or an appropriate Level 1 qualification. Entry will also be subject to a successful interview and riding assessment. You need to be able to walk, trot and canter a horse safely.

Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


My course is made up of classroom-based lessons and practical sessions on the yard. This really helps to bring the theory we learn to life, and makes lessons varied and interesting.

Caitlin Lowe

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