Tutorial Support
All full-time students are appointed a personal tutor. They will form a close relationship with you, making sure you are matched with the most appropriate course, are motivated, supported and become an independent learner. The tutor liaises with your parents, writes reports and can refer you to other experts within the College where necessary. They can also help you to find strategies that work for you and establish confidential arrangements if needed between you and your tutor/s.
Student Wellbeing
We have a Wellbeing service across all three campuses that students can request either at their interview or when they are at College. The service is really accessible, supportive and confidential but there may be a waiting list during busy times. We also have a professional counselling service, and students can ask for these services through their personal tutors or refer themselves.
We have social, quiet and private spaces for wellbeing meetings and time out, and all common rooms have wellbeing staff available to provide support.
Additional Learning Support
A dedicated team works across the College to support and advise students with additional needs. Students with physical disabilities, specific learning difficulties, emotional difficulties, medical problems or mental health difficulties have access to a range of support mechanisms. For further information visit the Additional Learning Support page.
Physical Access
We seek to ensure all our campuses are accessible to all students. Corridors are wide and classes are generally timetabled within one building to minimise the need for travel and the risk of getting wet. Most of our buildings have automatic doors and lifts and there are reserved drop-off and parking bays. Internal fire doors are held open magnetically and there are fire refuge areas for those who cannot manage staircases. The Restaurants have flexible seating to allow for wheelchair users.
Functional Skills
There are three Functional Skills; English, maths and ICT, that underpin all learning. They are included in full-time programmes of study and are a mandatory part of vocational courses. Adult students who do not already have a GCSE in Maths or English are also entitled to access this support and classes.
Further Functional Skills support is available if required, on a one-to-one basis or in small groups. To find out more call 01278 441316 or email learningsupport@btc.ac.uk.
Bridgwater & Taunton College- use of Tuition Funds 2021/22
Bridgwater & Taunton College (BTC) in accordance with guidance will use the tuition funds to prioritise support for disadvantaged students.
In the context of funding eligible students are defined as:
The tuition funds will be used to provide the following support:-
Provision of support via Academic Coaches
Via the introduction of new Academic Coach posts to the College we will:
Provision of 1:1 and small group vocational & academic workshops
Provision of 1:1 and small group workshops on the theme of positive behaviours required to be a successful student, and how to mitigate against barriers to being successful.
Provision of 1:1 and small workshops for students who are at risk of not achieving their potential as a result of economic disadvantage.
Provision for1:1 and small group intervention for SEND students
Provision for additional English and maths
The provision of support via The Tuition Fund will be overseen and monitored by a designated college manager. Support will be provided by using existing staff, both teaching and learning support.
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