Bricklaying Diploma Level 1 (part-time) | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

This course is aimed at learners who wish to become Bricklayers and gives a firm grounding to progress on to an Apprenticeship programme. The qualification focuses on the theoretical knowledge-based elements of the construction industry, as well as developing your practical ability to enable you to possess the skills to set out and build a variety of cavity and solid wall masonry structures to industry standards.

Assessment Methods

Practical projects will be assessed through externally set practical skills tests with the opportunity to achieve the units at a Pass, Merit or Distinction. A series of theory examinations will assess your underpinning knowledge of health, safety and welfare in construction as well as more trade specific technical exams based around the principles of building construction, information and communication, setting out masonry structures, solid walling and cavity walling.

Progression Options

Candidates could progress into a full Apprenticeship, find employment in brickwork or consider learning another trade in construction industry.

Course Summary

Course Title Bricklaying Diploma Level 1 (part-time)
Entry Requirements

There are no formal qualifications required for entry, but you will be invited to attend an interview to assess your suitability for the course.

Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


The teachers here are great they are so supportive and always trying to get the best out of your learning time in college. They always try to prepare us for the next step by pushing us to achieve our max potential.

Jack Baker

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